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British Indian Ocean Territory, features and locations

British Indian Ocean Territory, features and locations

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British Indian Ocean Territory, features and locations

a spatial dataset containing the locations (lat,long) of various geographical features for British_Indian_Ocean_Territory. samples for this dataset are available here, csv json. (hint: right-click 'save link as')

about the data
row count 118
CSV delimiter comma
CSV quoted by double quote
numeric non-values -9999.0
text non-values no-value
example data
name country country code continent latitude longitude
British Indian Ocean Territory British Indian Ocean Territory IO Asia -6.0 72.0
Catalina Bay British Indian Ocean Territory IO Asia -7.37315 72.47238
Danger Shoals British Indian Ocean Territory IO Asia -5.41432 71.80686
Diego Garcia British Indian Ocean Territory IO Asia -7.31754 72.4524
Eagle Island British Indian Ocean Territory IO Asia -6.18817 71.32745
Grande Ile Coquillage British Indian Ocean Territory IO Asia -5.37309 71.96975
Ile de la Passe British Indian Ocean Territory IO Asia -5.24212 71.8153
Ile Poule British Indian Ocean Territory IO Asia -5.40584 71.75027
Ile Tattamucca British Indian Ocean Territory IO Asia -6.68164 71.36749
Minni Minni British Indian Ocean Territory IO Asia -7.31694 72.48296
Salomon Islands British Indian Ocean Territory IO Asia -5.32917 72.24536
South Point British Indian Ocean Territory IO Asia -7.44331 72.42645
included fields
field name data type minimum length maximum length unique value count example values
latitude float 4 8 116 -7.23876
longitude float 4 8 117 71.74917
country_code string 2 2 1 IO
timezone string 8 13 2 Indian/Chagos
featureName string 3 26 18 atoll(s)
featureDescription string 8 144 17 a conspicuous isolat...
a surface-navigation...
a tapering piece of ...
a tract of land smal...
an elevation typical...
name string 4 35 112 Barochois Sylvaine
Barton Point
Horsburgh Point
Ile Saint-Brandon
Pointe Marianne
elevation float 3 7 20 1.0
country string 30 30 1 British Indian Ocean...
continent string 4 4 1 Asia

All fields have been cleaned, commas and non-ascii characters have been removed. all numeric fields are numbers where a "non-value" numbers have been replaced with -9999.0, text fields without a value have been give the value "no-value". there are non empty values in this dataset

license: Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

Images sourced from Unsplashed

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